A dumb person who thinks they’re smart. Smarter than you and above reproach.
Watching Sarah Palin I was struck by how much she reminded me of my ex-wife. A woman who once responded to the request of the fire department to cut 6 foot high dry brush as it was a fire hazard with an indignant “Who the fuck are they to tell me what I have to do?!?”
And watching Palin I realized the cadence in her voice, the constant repetition of Gibson’s first name, (almost an act of pedantic behavior), and the attempt to use multi-syllabic words to appear smart, no matter how phonetic the pronunciation (especially sad when butted up against words like “nuculer”) was something I was very familiar with:
A moron who believes they are smarter than you.
i.e. The most dangerous person in the world.
Watch for yourself.
Be afraid, America. Be very afraid.