Watchmen Costumes

I just got back from the dentist. Had a crown put in. Temporary. Novacaine is annoying. I sit down, a little dizzy from the procedure, pain creeping back in and what is in my Google Reader? A link to IwatchStuff.Com. Zack Snyder has released photos of most of the costumes Continue Reading

Oh, Corey….

Wayyyyy back in the “New Video” days, I remember an older couple who used to come in. They had an apartment in an old Brownstone somewhere in the neighborhood. The only reason I remember this sweet, late 50something jewish couple was because of how proud they were about their neighbor. Continue Reading

Shockingly popular

Those of you that don’t know, I have been blogging the life of my daughter at two locations. The current one is called “Life with Zoe” and is located at It’s really just a way of communicating with family and friends about ZoZo and keeping everyone up to date Continue Reading